Board of Directors
Have you ever wondered how we manage to have a well-maintained fleet, a yearly auction that is hugely successful, and how we use our resources so efficiently, despite only having two full-time employees? For that, you can thank our volunteer Board of Directors!
Our dedicated Board of Directors bring decades of experience in their respective fields to making our organization run successfully and sustainably. From managing our budget, to handling insurance, applying for grants, and managing our web systems, our Board works behind the scenes to make sure the structure, resources, and policy are in place for us to run our sailing programs and better serve our community. Get to know our board members and the crucial role that each of them plays in our organization!
Joan Storkman
Program Director
She and her family have been fortunate to enjoy a lot of time in boats. Joan sails and races their Thunderbird (including women’s races in the 1970’s-90’s), taught sailing, and has cruised around the northwest on the family trawler. She and her husband also enjoy spending time with friends, family and their 3 grandkids
My great grandparents boated in the early 1900’s so sharing my love of boating is a family tradition. I feel so fortunate to work with this amazing group of volunteer Board members who are so skilled, eager, hard-working and have so much fun providing sailing opportunities…for the kids!
Kathleen Carlson
Asst. Program Director - Website, Registration, Marketing
Kathleen and her husband are very active in the local sailing community and have for years run the local sailboat races. They can't wait to get their grandkids into camp and teach them the joy of sailing.
My husband grew up on sailboats and I had so much fun joining in the adventure of sailing. I love the ease, yet complicated part of sailing, the quiet yet sometimes noisy. I enjoy being able to help this organization grow..for the kids!
Mary Godwin Austen
Secretary of the Board
Mary is happily retired from a wonderful career as a primary school teacher and principal. She was fortunate to work in three districts including Sumner, Peninsula (principal of Harbor Heights) and University Place. Now Mary enjoys gardening, hiking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
As Secretary I take minutes at the monthly GHYC JS meetings and consult with the personnel committee. I joined the board because I support the vision and work of Junior Sail, especially helping local sailors build their skills and confidence on the water.
Greg Olsen
Fleet Manager
Greg is responsible for the maintenance of 7 older Boston Whalers coaches’ boats and 2 RIB Rescue Boats, plus 30 some sailboats and trailers. He is available during the season for timely repairs and heads up a crew of volunteers during the winter for annual maintenance and restoration. Greg has a goal to electrify the coaches’ fleet.
“Having people come up to me when I am at the launch ramp and tell me how much they enjoy the kid’s laughter coming over the water when they are out sailing and how much they appreciate our service is what drives me.”
Dale Reiman
Boat Donations & Sales
Now in retirement I love traveling with my wife and still hope to take her to some northern places I have been. Diana and I have been a cruising couple here in the NW and Canada for more than 22 years on our 37' trawler.
Lisa Embick
NRT Parent Representative
Lisa serves as the Narrows Race Team Representative, acting as a liaison between the Race Team families and the board. She enjoys working toward continual improvement and growth of the program and advocating for the Race Team's needs and growth.
It is a wonderful gift to be able to be involved with such a great organization. I’ve had the joy of seeing first hand how GHJS benefits the young people of our community on many levels and at all ages.
Don Bernard
“Being a retired CFO allows me to utilize my skills while helping give back to my community with an incredible nonprofit organization focused not only on teaching sailing, but building confidence and leadership in kids.”
Mary Theo Hoeksema
Equipment Inventory & Licensing
It's been a joy for me to be a part of an organization that's offered so much to my children and to others in the community.
Greg Hoeksema
Personnel, Medical & Long-Term Facilities
From his home in historic Gig Harbor he draws inspiration everyday from the laughter of the "little kids in the boats" while they learn to sail and appreciate our magical harbor.
Pete Clement
Pete and his wife Jackie are also involved in maintaining their home, gardens and landscapes, as well as entertaining, traveling, grandparenting, and just enjoying life in beautiful Gig Harbor.
A quote that has served as a lifetime guide for Pete is Calvin Coolidge’s “Press On”, and the key phrase: ‘Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.’
Tom Mitchell
Investments & Insurance
His interest in GHYC Junior Sail started through his observations of local youth learning how to sail in Gig Harbor. After a few days on the water, the kids became in charge of their own vessel. The sheer joy (and occasional terror) was palpable. The coaches were amazing and very involved. He soon learned about the group of dedicated volunteers that made the organization what it is today, and took heed of the call to action. He is proud of the Gig Harbor community that has embraced our organization, made to make a difference for kids.
My job is keeping track of the insurance needs. I am also involved with helping Greg, Dale and crew maintain boats both power and sail.
Abra Jackson
Annual Auction Coordinator
Narrows Race Team Committee
Joan Storkman - GHJS Rep.
Joe Guizetti - TYC JS Rep.
Michelle Valiani - Opti Rep.
Jennifur Newhouse - JV Rep.
Lisa Embick - GHJS Board Rep./Bellarmine Rep.
Tanya Starke - Party Planning
Melissa Deprez - GHHS Rep.
Mario Lee - CWA Rep.
Olivia Yando - Gear Sales
Ashley Nelson - Sailing Director
Niko Twilla - Assistant Sailing Director
Facilities Committee
Greg Hoeksema
Pete Clement
Joan Storkman
Budget Committee
Don Bernard
Tom Mitchell
Kathleen Carlson
Mary Theo Hoeksema
Joan Storkman
Ashley Nelson
Niko Twilla
Personnel Committee
Mary Godwin Austen - Chair
Greg Hoeksema - Actions
Ashley Nelson - Actions/Policies
Joan Storkman - Actions/Policies
Kathleen Carlson - Policies
Mary Theo Hoeksema - Policies
Fleet Maintenance Committee
Greg Olsen - Fleet Manager
Greg West - Asst. Fleet Manager
Dale Reiman
Barry Bookman - trailers
Randy Henrickson - trailers
Jim Drake - engines
Registration/Web Committee
Kathleen Carlson
Lisa Embick
Ashley Nelson
Niko Twilla
Scholarship Committee
Joan Storkman
Ashley Nelson
Auction Committee
Abra Jackson - Auction Chair
Lisa Embick - Asst. Auction Chair
Marti Anderson - Galley Chair
Kathleen Carlson - Registration/Web
Jill Bernard - Sponsors
Viki Alsaker & Ed Nadler - Marina sponsors/matching
Capital Campaign Committee
Ed Nadler - Co-Chair
Vicki Alsaker - Co-Chair
Gena Cruciani - Grants
Joe Guizetti